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Recent News


Many lab members presented posters that showcase their latest research findings at the CGSB symposium XIII on campus 


New publication

A chapter in the coral reef microbiome book that Shady and Amin authored is now out! 


New publication

Atlas of chemotaxis-related metaboloites is now out at Nat Commun 



Shady's radio interview on the Agenda program with Georgia Tolley on DubaiEye 


ASM Young Ambassador

Our talented undergraduate student, Amira, has been appointed as the ASM Young Ambassador to UAE starting in 2025. Congrats Amira!


New Members

In March we welcomed two new Research Associate members, Janja Ceh and Gangming Xu, who will work on corals and diatoms, respectively. We also bid farewell to Michael Ocshenkühn.


New Publication

Our newest review on the coral microbiome in light of climate change is out in Nature Reviews Microbiology.


Publication Prize

Our review on the coral microbiome published last year is the winner of best paper of 2023 in FEMS Microbiology Reviews, along with a prize of €1000.


New Publication

Our newest paper on the molecular mechanisms of how the diatom metabolite azelaic acid regulates different microbial populations is out in eLife.


New Publication

Check out our new paper that identifies a new genus and species of bacteria symbiotic with diatoms in IJSEM.


Press interview

Shady was recently interviewed by The National newspaper and by the radio show The Agenda on Dubai Eye on October 10, 2023, to address the ongoing algal bloom happening at Yas Bay and neighboring residential neighborhood.


New Publication

Salah and Shady coauthored a new paper with collaborators out in Nature Communications about nuclear myosin knockout metabolomics.



Shady has been nominated to the membership of the Committee on Climate Change for ISME.


Publication Highlight

Our review on the coral microbiome has been selected as an Editor's Choice review.


New Publication

Shady's editorial on the microbial ecology of the Arabian/Persian gulf is out in Frontiers in Marine Science. Check out also the full Research Topic with exciting research from one of the least studied seas on the planet.


​Conference Proceedings

Fei and Carly present their exciting research about harmful algal blooms and diatom microbiomes at the single cell level at ASLO in Mallorca, Spain.


New Publication

Amin's and Michael's new review on the coral microbiome is out in FEMS Microbiology Reviews


For full list of exciting news, visit our News page.

The Marine Microbiomics Lab

Our lab studies the role microbiomes play in the adaptation and evolution of important marine eukaryotes, particularly phytoplankton and corals. Using multiomics and physiological and phenotypic techniques, we examine how these microbiomes influence their hosts' physiology, evolution, response to the environment, and the effects of climate change and anthropogenic influences on these host-microbiome relationships.


Our lab is also extensively using cutting-edge techniques to study microbial ecology and beyond. We use microfluidics to study phytoplankton microbiomes at the single-cell level. We also use metabolomics and develop metabolomics techniques to study a wide range of questions, including host-microbiome interactions, saliva metabolomics, drug metabolism in the human gut and model system metabolomics.


Phytoplankton-Bacteria Symbiosis in Today’s Oceans:

Our goal is to understand how the microbiome of phytoplankton influences their adaptation to environmental conditions, such as nutrient limitation and climate change.

Shady A. Amin
NYU Abu Dhabi, Saadiyat Island
PO Box 129188
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Lab Phone: +971-2-628-4582

Email: aminlab[at]

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